The Center for Digital Social Science

Social Science for the Digital Age

The Center for Digital Social Science (CDSS) is a diverse and international network of researchers and professionals whose work focuses on understanding how digital technology and data impact social dynamics in multiple societies.

Our Mission

The rapid technological developments of recent decades have brought about significant transformations to our social reality on many levels. In fact, there is almost no aspect of society, from the macro to the micro-level, which has not been in some way touched, influenced, or reshaped by the processes of digitization, mediatization, platformization, and datafication. Even those not directly using digital technology themselves are still affected by it.

Our mission at the CDSS is to provide a common ground for connecting social science academics and practitioners who are studying this phenomenon, both conceptually and methodologically, across multiple countries. We also serve as a resource for media seeking to understand how our social world is being transformed through the digital, including a wide variety of specialized topics such as culture, mis/disinformation, protests and social movements, religious groups and practices, family and interpersonal relationships, and more.

In particular, we focus providing a unique international comparative perspective in the digital social sciences. We also seek to bring together experts from multiple fields of social science, humanities, and data science under a common umbrella to promote better, more comprehensive digital social science.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new people with which to collaborate. Please get in touch if you are interested in being a part of our growing network.

We are also happy to consult with with members of the media, government, or private industry. Please share your inquires by clicking the button below.